What Is 3D Imaging Technology for Dentistry?
3D imaging technology is a modern way to take a picture of your mouth that can be displayed in a
“3D” way, where our dentists and orthodontists can see all aspects of the mouth and jaw in a 360
view via computer. Through this exciting imaging technology, our dental team can quickly pinpoint
critical oral health issues that might be missed if just the naked eye was used.
How Does 3D Imaging Technology for Dentistry Work?
One of the most common forms of 3D imaging technology in dentistry and orthodontics is CBCT, which
is an acronym for Cone Beam Computed Tomography. The name derives from the cone-shaped X-ray beam
used to take the image.
A set of 360-degree photos are taken which are used to compile a life-size 3D composite image. This
composite image can be easily inspected, scaled, and rotated so that different angles of the teeth,
jaw, and surrounding tissues can be examined. Thanks to these 3D images, we can easily calculate the
dimensions of the teeth, jaw, and tissues to plan dental and orthodontic treatment.